
Dear colleagues,

Welcome to our website of the International Conference (New) Horizons Of Drug Policy In Central European Metropolis, which was held from September 25th to September 27th 2014 in the capital city of Prague.

The aim of the conference was to discuss and define efficient and realistic drug policies in Central European metropolis. Main topics of the conference were:

1. Minimization of health and social risks in drug policy area

2. Public health protection and prevention of public nuisance

3. Homeless people with addictions

4. Cooperation of health and/or social services providers and law-enforcement agencies in drug policy-making


  • authorities responsible for health and social issues
  • law-enforcement agencies
  • drug policy coordinators
  • providers of drug and social services

The program of the conference was aimed at sharing experiences from International Partner Cities – Berlin, Frankfurt and Vienna and examples of high-quality work in the stated locality.

Sharing of experiences in building drug consumption rooms (context, history, development, legislation)

Sharing of experiences with substitution of substances and the developments in treatment (primarily in opiates)

Problem of homelessness in addicted persons

Programs of Harm Reduction and their place in the network of anti-drug services

Implementation of anti-drug policy in the area of Harm Reduction and the coordination of HR services in the framework of anti-drug policies.

In addition, space was dedication to a discussion focusing on the current practices in the coordination of anti-drug policies in the Czech Republic:

How do we create and coordinate the anti-drug policies in our cities and regions?

Milestones, successes and failures and what have we succeeded in achieving in the framework of the coordination of services?

What have we gained from the pillars of anti-drug policies?

What can we be proud of, what can we recommend and what not?

The conception of anti-drug policies of the region

Contact us

Proadis o.s.
Pobřežní 655/54
186 00 Praha 8

PhDr. Eva Maierová


Konferenci organizuje Proadis, o.s., ve spolupráci s partnery A.N.O Asociace nestátních organizací poskytujících adiktologické a sociální služby pro osoby ohrožené závislostním chováním a s Univerzitou Palackého v Olomouci.

Finančně konferenci podpořili hl. m. Praha.

Organizačně konferenci zabezpečuje společnost Contexo –